Diane Shannon, MD, MPH, PCC

Dr. Shannon’s personal experience with burnout and her desire to support physicians motivated her to become a certified coach 5 years ago, after a 20-year career as a healthcare freelance writer. Aware that the pandemic increased the gender disparity in physician burnout, Dr. Shannon now focuses on addressing the specific challenges that women in medicine face. She is inspired in her work every day by the women physicians who are able to move from overwhelm, burnout, and self-doubt to lives where they can thrive again.

Dr. Shannon attended Williams College, Jefferson Medical College, and Harvard University. She completed training in Internal Medicine at St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center in Boston and practiced general internal medicine before making the shift to writing and coaching. She is co-author of Preventing Physician Burnout: Curing the Chaos and Returning Joy to the Practice of Medicine. Find her on LinkedIn and at www.dianeshannon.com.